Good Morning everybody!ローマからおはようございます!

This is Nunzia from Rome office!
Here in Rome it seems rainy season! But despite the rain our activities continues!

Cathy san, I read with interest your article about the meeting of overseas staff! It should be very interesting to compare the work of different overseas offices of Japan Foundation and to take part in the training! Uyaramashiiii!!!

About our office in Rome, from the 27th September to the 6th November we held an exhibition about Japanese character. Since it was very successful we decided to extend it for one week! The most interesting thing was that people of different age came to see it!
As you know, characters and animations are loved by young and adult in the same way!


Last week we had an opening of our exhibition about the Japanese Pavilion of The 12th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale and a lecture of Kazuyo Sejima who was the director of the Biennale this year.


As you may know, she came to our institute to talk about her works and her idea of architecture. It was a very successful event, the auditorium was full of people not only they couldn’t seat, but also they were standing in corridor!


As Kazuyo Sejima said, her architecture style is influenced by her Japanese culture, so in some projects she tried to express a feeling of “ouverture(french/ meanns "openness")” to create a direct dialogue between inside and outside of the buildings.


The present exhibition is about the project Tokyo Metabolizing, so there are many pictures of the 2 projects presented to the Japan Pavilion of the Venice Biennale: House & Atelier Bow-Wow and the Moriyama house. I uploaded some pictures! I Hope you like it!!!


In this period at our institute there is not only the architecture/art exhibition, but also the movie season! Twice a week our guests can come to see Japanese movies. The film review of this time is dedicated to Takeo Kimura a great set designer!
Dewa, next is you Mio!!! :)

会館はいま、建築や美術の展覧会だけでなく、映画シーズンでもあります!週に2回日本映画の上映をしているんですよ。今回は特に3月に亡くなられた映画監督・美術監督の木村 威夫さんに捧げられています。
