現地職員訪日研修 Meeting oversea colleagues in Japan.

Hi everyone. It's Cathy's turn. Are you surviving the cold season?
As for me I can't go to bed without my hot-water bottle to warm me up.

Thanks for the article Any!
It was interesting to learn about the speech contest from three different perspectives.
I look forward to the film festival as well.


Today's article is about the training session for overseas staff of the Japan Foundation. It is an opportunity to come over to Japan to acquire knowledge and skills related to work. This year, the training session was held for two weeks. The 5 participants were as follows:

モスクワのN職員(Anyの同僚)N from Moscow
パリのK職員 K from Paris
カイロのN職員 N from Cairo
シドニーのA職員 A from Sydney
ブダペストのE職員 E from Budapest


This year, participants were mainly in charge of Japanese Language. Therefore, we visited schools, companies and organizations related to Japanese-language education. The participants had lectures in each places on various topics such as "what we are doing", "what are our plans in the future", "what kind of things they expect for overseas staffs like them".









京都 嵐山での一コマ。

So what did they think about this training session? Here are some of their opinions.

"I have stronger sense of belongingness for the Japan Foundation now"

"Up until now, I could only contact my counterparts via e-mail. But now that I have had the chance to meet them face to face, we can work on smoothly. It was great to be friends with people from other offices"

"The cultural experiences during the training session were good. From the lecture and demonstration of Kyogen by Nomura Manzo Sensei, we had the chance to go up on stage and perform the dance and songs with him. A great way to be familiar with the resonance of traditional arts. We also experienced drawing manga in Kyoto International Manga Museum. I didn't know it was this difficult to complete each page"

"By staying in the facilities I usually give guidance to back in my office, I had the chance to really get to know what it's like to stay in it. Now I can give some practical advices"

"I was able to come up with some new ideas of Japanese language courses I would like to have when I go back to my office"

最後のコメントに関しては、浮かんだアイディアを実際の業務に活用するべく、最終日に「今後実現したい日本語講座」の案を関係部署の前で発表する時間を設けました。「やくざ映画を利用した日本語講座」「書道を通した漢字教室」「WEBプリクラ・プロジェクト(その名も「PEACEing together the world」)」「トトロを使った日本文化紹介型の日本語講座」「マンガを描きながら日本語を習得」など、様々な意見が出て、関係部署側も興味津々。このうち実現に向けて動き始めているプロジェクトもあるんですよ。今後に期待大ですね。

Regarding the last comment, on the last day of the training session, we had time to share everyone's ideas of Japanese language courses. Ideas varied from "Japanese language courses using Yakuza movies", "Kanji lessons with Japanese calligraphy", "Online PURIKURA Project ("PEACEing together the world")", "Japanese cultural courses using Totoro", to "Japanese language course through manga".
Some of the ideas are on the way to realization. Let's wait and see.

Next is Nunzia!