Old Meets New 新旧アーティストの交差点

Hello everyone!
It’s been a while since my last entry in this blog!
Spring is coming in a few days, honestly I can’t wait for it. Winter in Rome has been tough this year, we have even seen the SNOW!! It never happens!! Well, it lasted a couple of days but still... amazing!
Take a look at the Istituto Giapponese covered with snow!

I’m going to report about a couple of events held here at the Institute in the last months.
In January we had the pleasure to hosting Michiko Nojiri Sensei for a conference on the “Chado”, the Tea Ceremony.
Nojiri Sensei is living in Rome since 50 years and during this long time she has been one of the greatest Japanese personalities in Italy. She is the founder and director of the Urasenke Center in Rome that represents the Japanese traditional culture abroad. After the lecture, based on her personal travelling experience in Europe, Nojiri Sensei gave a demonstration of Chado, to show the power of non-verbal communication.
最近の日本文化会館でのイベントを報告しますね。1月には、Michiko Nojiri先生をお招きして「茶道」のイベントを開催しました。Nojiri先生は50年もの長い間ローマにご在住で、イタリアでは著名な日本人です。先生は裏千家ローマ出張所の創始者であり、所長で、日本の伝統文化である茶道を海外に紹介する活動をしています。ご自身のヨーロッパにおける体験をもとに講演をされた後、Nojiri先生は茶道のデモンストレーションをされ、言葉を使わないコミュニケーションの力を示してくださいました。

It was a really moving lecture, I think it’s a big honor having the chance to listen to a person with such an awesome life, spent carrying on the tradition of the Chado among the European cultural movements.
In February we hosted a wonderful classic concert, starring a ridiculously young violinist, the 16 years old Kazuhito Yamane. This extremely talented boy played for more than an hour accompanied by the also young pianist Tomoaki Yoshida (but he’s 28, very old if compared to Yamane!).
The audience had a totally enthusiastic reaction, not only for the skill of the two musicians but also for their nice attitude 
2月には弱冠16歳のヴァイオリニスト Kazuhito Yamaneさんをお招きして、クラシックコンサートを開催しました。この才能溢れる少年は、同じく若手(といっても28歳なので、Yamaneさんに比べると年を取っていますが!)のピアニストTomoaki Yoshidaさんの伴奏で1時間以上ヴァイオリンを演奏しました。観客の皆さんは、お二人の演奏技術はもちろんのこと、その振る舞いの良さにも熱狂的な賞賛を送っていました。

It’s a quite weird sensation being able to compare a Chado Sensei with her long life filled with experience and stories to tell, with such a young violin Sensei, that in spite of his age shows an incredible maturity and a very professional ability.
In March the Institute is being monopolized by the first anniversary of the terrible Tohoku Earthquake of 2011, we will hold a couple of conferences and a photographic exhibition to remember.
Time flies, already a year, unbelievable.

All the pics are copyright ©Mario Boccia
写真はすべてMario Boccia撮影