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今回は、12月11日から15日までカイロで開催された日本映画週間についてのレポートとカイロ事務古屋所所長・佐藤副所長によるデュオ“NORIE- GAGA”カイロジャズクラブデビューの話題をお届けします。
Ahran wa Sahran!
I would like to report about Japan Film Week (11.Dec -15.Dec) in Cairo and “NORIE- GAGA” (Duo of Furuya Director and Sato deputy director) debut in Cairo Jazz Club.
1Japan Film week in Cairo
今年の映画週間のテーマは「戦後日本の復興の精神」、昨年の「ヒロシマ」というテーマと歴史的に続くテーマでしたが、その後、エジプトでは革命、日本では震災が起こり「復興の精神」というのは過去の話ではなく、両国の今にとって重要なテーマとなりました。このテーマに沿ったて「明日への遺言」「キューポラのある街」「Always 三丁目の夕日」「ある機関助士」「教室の子どもたち」「にっぽん戦後史 マダムオンボロの生活」の6作品を上映しました。
The theme of this year is“Spirit of Renaissance in Japan after World War”、We chose this theme as continued historic theme after “Hiroshima” in last year. After that a revolution broke out in Egypt and We suffered from earthquake in Japan. So it is not only “spirit” in the past, but also current important theme for both of us.
In line with the theme we showed “Best wishes for Tomorrow ”,”Cupola- Where the Furnaces glow”, “Always -sunset on the 3rd street”, “An Engineer`s Assistant”, “Children in the class room”, “Madam Onboro History of postwar Japan as told by a bar hostess".
Just before Japan film week, there was crash in Tahrir Square again and we had to close our office for a couple of days .So Publicity of Japan film week was not enough, but the 200 - seat theater had been full in the opening day.
B級戦犯裁判を取り上げた映画なので、場面も法廷と巣鴨プリズンに限られ、静かで重いテーマの作品です。これを“ダム ハヒーフ(血が軽い=陽気)”なエジプト人がどう受け止めるか、ハラハラしながら見守っていました。しかしそんな心配は杞憂に終わり、みなさん、とても真剣に映画を見て、感銘を受けていた様子。
We had a director of “Best wishes for Tomorrow ”,Takashi Koizumi as our guest for the opening day and after screening the film, we had talk show of Mr. Koizumi moderated by Dr.Essam Hamza, a professor at Department of Japanese language and Literature, Faculty of Art, Cairo University.
Because the film on the theme of Military court and most of the setting of scene were in a court or a prison, I was a bit afraid that Egyptian, who is so called “Dam hkfif (light blood =cheery)”、were able to take this quiet, serious story. However, such concern proved unfounded. People watched the film seriously and were deeply moved by the film.
We had talk show after screening. There were a lot of comments about the film and questions to the director such as “How were reaction of Japanese young people for this film?” ”How was feedback to this film from American?”
Egyptian audience was impressed by Mr.Koizumi when he answered for question from audiences politely. Mr.Koizumi was also glad that Egyptian audience watched film with enthusiasm and told he might come back to Egypt again for “Kurosawa film week” next year.
2日目はドキュメンタリーデー。常磐線を走る蒸気機関車の1日の運行の様子を描いたドキュメンタリー「ある機関助士」、理想の教育のために奮闘する教師と子どもたちのいきいきとした姿を描いた「教室のこどもたち」という2本のドキュメンタリー映画を上映した後、“MASTER PEACE”という平和のためのNGOで活動するエジプト人の若者たちの司会で、討論会を行いました。活発な議論が交わされ、司会者は議論を整理するのが大変でした。(アラブ世界ではありがちなことですが…)
We showed three documentary films in the second day. After screening “An Engineer`s Assistant” which showed one day in the life on an engineer`s assistant of a steam train and “Children in the class room” which showed straggle of an elementary school teacher and nature behavior of the children, we had discussion moderated by young people from Egyptian NGO “MASTER PEACE”. There were a lot of comments about education of Japan and Egypt .It was lively discussion and sometimes it was hard to organize discussion! (It is common in Arab world...)
エジプト人の一番のお気入りの映画は「Always 三丁目の夕日」、最初の数分でガッチリとエジプト人の心をつかみ、物語の進行に合わせて泣いたり、笑ったり、時には拍手も起こりました。二度見に来てくれた方も多く、楽しかったから、と2回目の上映には家族を連れて来てくれた人もいました。エジプト人いわく、この映画にはエジプト人の好きなものがすべて詰まっているそうです。
Egyptian`s most favorite film is “Always sunset on the 3rd street”. The film grabbed Egyptian`s attention from the beginning and they enjoyed film with weeping, laughing and clapping of hands. They said there was everything what Egyptian loved in this film! A lot of people came to see this film again with family.
2“NORIE GAGA”Debut in Cairo Jazz Club!
12月20日、古屋所長と帰任を目前に控えた佐藤副所長によるデュオ“NORIE GAGA”が、カイロジャズクラブでエジプトのジャズトリオ”Amro Salah Trio”とゲストボーカリスト堀さん(JICA)とともにJ-POPコンサートを行いました。ジャズクラブに夜な夜な集うエジプトの音楽好きの前で、“NORIE GAGA”は「勝手にしやがれ」「島唄」「異邦人」「真夏の果実」「上を向いて歩こう」などのJ-POPの名曲を披露、会場を大いに盛り上げました。YOUTUBEにコンサートの一部をアップしたので、ご覧ください。
“NORIE- GAGA” (Furuya Director and Sato deputy director `s duo) featuring “Amro Salah Trio” (Egyptian Jazz Trio) and a guest vocalist MS.Hori from JICA had Japanese Pop music concert in Cairo jazz Club on 20th of December. They played best selected J-POP music such as “Kattute ni siyagare”, “Simauta”,”Ihojin”,”manatu no kajitu”,”Ue wo muite aruko”(famous as “Sukiyaki”).They brought a lot of excitement to Egyptian audience.
We uploaded some video of this concert on youtube. Please check it out.
エジプトでは12月25日はクリスマスではありませんし(コプト教のクリスマスは1月7日)ではありませんし、1月 1日もお正月ではありませんが(イスラム教の新年は今年は11月26日)皆さま、メリークリスマス&よいお年を!
There is no Christmas on 25th of Dec in Egypt.(Coptic Christmas is 9th of Jan.) and also no “OSHO GATU” on 1st of Jan. (Islamic new year was 26th of Nov.in 2011),but merry Christmas and a happy new year!!