
Buongiorno! Thank you Cathy and nice to meet you everybody!
(日本語は、東京スタッフ蕗が代行します!/Japanese translation by Fuki from tokyo!)

I’m Nunzia from Japan Foundation Rome! First of all, I’m glad to hear that it’s possible to see "The 51st International Speech Contest in Japanese" on NHK Educational Channel on July 18th! I won’t miss it!


Then, since it’s my first time on the blog I would like to introduce myself and the wonderful place I work in! Even if I live in Rome, I’m from Naples ( I know what you are thinking: pizza oishiii!) and the first time I came at “nihonbunkaikan” of Rome, I was shocked by the beauty of the place! 
Nearby the Institute there are the University of Architecture of Rome, the Museum of modern and contemporary art and many other cultural institutes. For this reason the area is called “Park of Cultures”!

今はローマ在住ですが、出身はナポリ(…“ピザがおいしいところだよね〜”って今、思ったでしょ?)です。初めてローマ日本文化会館に来た時は、その美しさに衝撃を受けたほど!近くには、ローマ大学建築学部キャンパス、国立近代美術館などなど…「Park of Cultures(文化の苑)」と呼ばれる理由に納得です。

The building is in Heian Style(IX-XII sec.), designed by the architect Yoshida Isoya (1894-1975). All the interior is made with material made in Japan. It was inaugurated in 1962, so it has a long story! In 2012 will be the 50th anniversary!


Behind the building there is a wonderful Japanese garden, sen’ nen style. We open it to the public twice a year: autumn and spring. People can’t wait to come to see it!
As you can see from the pictures there is a small lake, a small waterfall, some small rock islands, a small bridge and a stone lantern. There are also cherry trees! And olive trees symbolizing the friendship and peace between Japan and Italy!


Lastly I would like to say some words about an event held one week ago at Tiberina Island ( A small island in the middle of Tiber river).
We organized it with the Japanese Embassy, the JRO (Organization to promote Japanese Restaurants abroad)
and Hasegawa-Saketen. It consisted of 2 days of Japanese music and movies, traditional dances, and Japanese food!
It was very successful, there were a lot of people! In the pictures I uploaded, you can see Kagoshima dances! It was very interesting for me since Naples and Kagoshima are sister city! I hope next year there will be another event like this!

そしてもう1つ。1週間前に行なわれたローマのティベリーナ島*1でのUn'isola del Giappone*2イベントをお伝えします。ローマ日本文化会館在イタリア日本大使館日本食レストラン海外普及推進機構(JRO)はせがわ酒店などが主催となって、日本の音楽あり、映画あり、伝統舞踊あり、もちろん和食もありの盛り沢山な2日間でした。下の写真は鹿児島の踊りを踊ってくださったみなさんです。鹿児島とナポリは実は姉妹都市ということもあって私にはすごく面白かったです。このようなイベントを来年も開催したいと思っています。*3

Well, the next blogger is Mio! Talk to you soon! Arrivederci!

  ローマ:ティベリーナ島イベント「Un’isola del Giappone」


