An Array of Events in Vietnam! イベントラッシュ@ベトナム!

Hello everyone! I am Nha from Hanoi, Vietnam.

There is a saying in Vietnamese “bận tối mắt” which literally means in English as “too busy to open the eyes”. In short, I was super busy for a series of events during the past several months. I am sorry for my long silence but I hear there is also a saying in Japan “No news is good news”. Yes! During no update from me on this blog, there were a plethora of stimulating events in Vietnam.
ベトナムにはこんなことわざがあります。「bận tối mắt」。直訳すると、「忙しすぎて目も開けられない」という意味です。ここ数ヶ月の私がまさにこの状況で、イベント盛りだくさんで、ものすごく忙しかったです。このブログもすっかりご無沙汰してしまい、ごめんなさい。そういえば、日本にもこんなことわざがありますよね。「便りがないのは良い知らせ」。そうなんですよ!私がブログをお休みしている間に、ベトナムでは刺激的なイベントがたくさん開催されていたんです。

Let’s look back them in photos quickly:

“Go! Go! Japan! Rock Concert” in December 2011
2011年12月の「Go! Go! Japan! Rock Concert」

“A Jazz night with unit Asia” in February 2012
2012年2月の「A Jazz night with unit Asia」

“plastic model of paramodel is paramodel” exhibition in February – March 2012
2012年2月から3月に開催された展覧会「plastic model of paramodel is paramodel」

There were more varieties of arts and cultural events but this time let me focus on reporting our intellectual exchanges.

In the last quarter of the fiscal year 2011 – 2012, we conducted a series of lectures and seminars on various topics: “Railways and Modern History in Japan” by Prof. Takeshi Hara (Meiji Gakuin University) in Hanoi, Hue and Ho Chi Minh City, traveling from Hue to Danang by the Vietnamese train, DVD screening and lectures on “A Remembrance of the 3.11 Tohoku Earthquake” by Prof. Toru Takanarita (Sendai University) and Prof. Dr. Taro Igarashi (Tohoku University) which were on air on VTV1 as one of the top news on Sunday 11 March’s morning news, “Contemporary Literature and Poetry in Japan” by Ms. Mimi Hachikai (Poet/Writer/Essayist) and “Arts and Culture as the Basis of a Nation” by Mr. Oriza Hirata, one of the most acclaimed playwrights in Japan. The feedbacks to each lecture were quite positive and we are encouraged to plan more intellectual activities in near future.
2011年の第4四半期、ベトナム日本文化交流センターはたくさんのレクチャーやセミナーを開催し、幅広いテーマを取り上げました。Hanoi、Hue、Ho Chi Minh市では、明治学院大学の原 武史教授による「Railways and Modern History in Japan」が開催され、先生ご自身もHue から Danangmまで列車で国内を移動されました。仙台大学の高成田 享教授と東京大学五十嵐太郎教授をお招きしてのDVD上映会&レクチャー「A Remembrance of the 3.11 Tohoku Earthquake」は、3月11日にVTV1チャンネルの朝のニュースでトップニュースとして取り上げられました。蜂飼耳さん(詩人・ライター・エッセイスト)による「Contemporary Literature and Poetry in Japan」や、日本でも高く評価されている劇作家平田オリザさんによる「Arts and Culture as the Basis of a Nation」なども開催されました。イベントに参加してくださった方たちの反応も上々で、知的交流イベントをこれからもがんばって企画していこうという気持ちになりました。

One of the highlights in intellectual exchanges this fiscal year was a writer’s lecture by Mr. Masatsugu Ono. He came to Vietnam once last year to conduct his lecture on contemporary literature in Japan, focusing on the analysis of novels by Haruki Murakami and Kenzaburo Oe.

As you might know, Japanese literature nowadays becomes popular in Vietnam. The young people are crazy for the works of Haruki Murakami and Banana Yoshimoto, the two most popular Japanese best-seller writers in Vietnam. There are about 14 books of Haruki Murakami were translated into Vietnamese in which the latest one is “What I think when I run” and “1Q84” will come soon this year with the financial support of the Japan Foundation.

Ono’s focus on Haruki’s novels entertained a lot of professors, writers and critics, intellectually, and they also enjoyed Ono’s novel through the booklet translated into Vietnamese by the Japan Foundation. This successful lecture consequently connected him to one young editor of Tre Publishing House and Tre Publishing House decided to publish Ono’s two novels (“Ningyo no Uta [Lit. The Song of Mermaid]” and “Nigiyakana Wan ni Seowareta Fune [Lit. The Ship Piggybacked by the Jolly Bay]) and one essay in a book “(Vietnamese) [Lit. The Song of Mermaid] in Vietnamese in February 2012.
多くの教授、作家、批評家が小野さんによる村上作品の解説に知的刺激を受け、私たちが用意したベトナム語のブックレットでご紹介した小野さんの作品も楽しまれていました。このレクチャーの成功がご縁で小野さんとTre Publishing Houseの若手編集者とが出会い、Tre Publishing Houseが、小野さん執筆の小説2作品(“Ningyo no Uta [Lit. The Song of Mermaid]” and “Nigiyakana Wan ni Seowareta Fune [Lit. The Ship Piggybacked by the Jolly Bay])とエッセイ“(Vietnamese [Lit. The Song of Mermaid])”を2012年2月にベトナム語で出版することを決定したのでした。

That is the reason why we invited Mr. Masatsugu Ono again this year to introduce his ideas and thoughts on his novels and we conducted the press conference and talk by him with Tre Publishing House.
こうして今年もまた小野正嗣さんをお招きし、ご自身の作品に対する思いを語ってもらうため、Tre Publishing Houseと共同で記者会見とトークイベントを開催しました。

The writer was invited to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city to give his talk in the book releasing ceremony. He was very happy to welcome many Vietnamese venerable writers and translators in the ceremony and discussed with him about his career and his novel. Among the VIPs, The VIP attendants include: Mr. Bao Ninh, the winner of Nikkei Asia Prizes for Literature and the author of “The Sorrow of the War”, Mr. Dang Nhat Minh (Film Director), and many other famous writers and critics in Hanoi.
出版記念セレモニーにてご自身の著書についてお話してもらうために、小野さんをHanoi とHo Chi Minh市にお招きしました。小野さんもセレモニーでベトナム人作家や翻訳者と交流を持ててたいへん喜んでいらっしゃいましたし、ご自身のキャリアや作品について積極的に語ってくださいました。VIP招待客には、日経アジア賞受賞者のBao Ninhさんや“The Sorrow of the War”の著者であるDang Nhat Minh(映画監督)など多くの著名な作家や評論家のお姿も見られました。

In Ho Chi Minh city, we had the ceremony happened in the campus of Hoa Sen university then a haft of our audience was students. A lot of discussion were made between audience after Ono’s talk. In which, the most impressive one was from Nhat Chieu sensei, a long-serving Japanese literature researcher. He gave Ono’s book his best comment for myth in the novel “Song of Mermaid”. He stated that the talent of Ono that made that reader think the mysterious details in the novel are as real.
Ho Chi Minh市では、Hoa Sen大学のキャンパスでセレモニーを行ったのですが、参加者の半分は学生さんでした。小野さんのトークの後、小野さんと観客とのディスカッションは大いに盛り上がりました。日本文学研究の第一人者であるNhat Chieu先生からひときわ印象深い言葉が投げかけられました。Chieuさんは小野さんの“Song of Mermaid”という小説に登場する「謎」について高く評価しました。小野さんの才能あふれる表現により、読者は小説に描かれている謎めいた出来事がまるで現実であるかのように感じることができると語ってくれました。

Nhat Chieu sensei

Not only Nhat Chieu sensei, other critics and translators also encouraged the book a lot with their blog writings and newspaper reviews. Mr. Tran Dinh, one of the Vietnamese translator who brought “Underground” of Haruki Murakami to Vietnamese, had two pages in The Thao Van Hoa Weekend magazine about the book, in which he uttered “Masatsugu Ono’s book is not in the stream of global interest and trendy of Japanese modern literature that widely known in Vietnam. It helps Vietnamese readers visit another Japan that they have not yet known before through literature. Without any climax or exaggeration, his novel is dense of tiny stories about the daily life, the neighborhood, the brotherhood, and some mysterious gossips. However, it is his talent to interest readers into his stories.”
Chieu先生だけでなく多くの評論家や翻訳者が、ブログや新聞の書評欄で小野さんの本を高く評価しました。村上春樹さんの作品「アンダーグラウンド」をベトナム語に翻訳したTran Dinhさんは、The Thao Van Hoa Weekend誌で2ページにわたって小野さんの著書について次のように取り上げてくれました。「小野正嗣さんの作品は、ベトナムで広く知られている世界的関心や日本現代文学のトレンドという意味では主流ではない。けれど、ベトナム人読者がまだ知らないもうひとつの日本の姿を文学を通して教えてくれる。これといったクライマックスや誇張表現があるわけではない。彼の作品には、近隣に暮らす人々、兄弟愛、謎めいたゴシップなど濃密な日常の小さな物語が描かれているだけだ。それなのに、読者を物語に引き込むことができることこそが彼の才能だと言えるだろう。」

Receiving such friendly reviews help us more confident in introducing more Japanese writers to Vietnam in order to let Vietnamese readers approach to the variety of Japanese literature.

Wow, it is too long already and I hope the blog editor team will not mind to translate it into Japanese. Let consider it as my compensation for not writing for months.

Thank you.